Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Own images for charity website

When creating my charity website, I had to take my own images to go on the different pages. On the 'About us' page I changed the template images to pictures of my teachers. I thought this would make my website look professional as they are wearing smart clothes and presentable. I chose to take pictures in front of a white background, so there is only focus on the images rather than behind them.
I took more than one image of each model, so I was able to decide which ones looked best on my website, I decided that the close ups on the models looked best as the camera focused on their face and nothing else. 

I took my own images for a different part of my charity website, I thought have a image of a sky view which is dark and dismal would fit with my charity as it is a sad cause and it fits with my colour scheme. The images could go on the website or appear on my trailer or another product to go with my charity.

I feel like the lighting of these pictures is too dark, so I decided that I wouldn't film my trailer with this dark of lighting, the quality wont be as good however alternatively I could improvise if the weather is bad when I'm filming my charity trailer as homeless people are on the streets in all weather.

I took my own images for my photo shoot plan, I took pictures of both my brother and sister who are both appearing in my charity trailer. I needed to take these images so the I would be able to follow my plan simply with the right actors.
This is the homeless boy actor, I took original images of him, so I an fill out my photo shoot plan.

Each shot of charity trailer explained

For creating my final product, I have made a word document which describes all the shots I am going to do for my charity trailer. I felt like this was important to do so I knew exactly what I was doing for when I record the trailer as well as the examiner knows what my aims are,

This explains each shot I am going to do and why.

Target audience for my charity

In making my final products, I needed to focus on who my target audience is for my website, my trailer as well as my charity as a whole. I created a word document, which explains to the examiner who my target audience is.

This explains the social grades, the class and the occupation of my target audience, I also described further into my audience by mentioning that my audience is reformers, those who want to help and change what they believe is right, I believe these will be good for my charity. 

Evaluating each page (Contact page)

When creating my website, I had to change the template of the contact page to fit with my charity. I added a location which shows where the Cooperation is held, mine is Birmingham however their are charity homes all across the UK. Changing the location was easy, the template was based in America so I simply deleted the text and changed it to 'Birmingham UK' as my charity is based in the United Kingdom.
All I changed on my website is the location and the telephone number as I was happy with the layout as well as the details for the audience, 
This shows me changing the telephone number of my website, I did this to fit with the number I put on my front cover. 

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Holding an audition for my charity trailer

When making my trailer, I will need to cast auditions for the actors who will be presenting my charity. This is important for research for my trailer, it shows the examiner that I have considered more options to make my trailer look professional and real. I am aiming to cast my two siblings as the actors in my trailer because they are a reliable source and are trusting in taking the process seriously. I have researched into sites which show how to hold a audition as well as YouTube links which show ways of holding an audition. This audition is also to chose people to be in my photo shoot, which fits in with my charity theme.
I felt like this video was very useful towards holding an audition to cast people for my trailer as well as my photo shoot.

Charity trailer research

When making my final product (G321) I had to research into different charity trailers, to help me with my own. Most trailers I watched had 16+ shots; which helped me with creating and designing my own shots.

I researched into different charity trailers on YouTube so it would help me with making my own final product.

This YouTube clip shows my research of charity trailers, this will help me with making my own charity advert because it shows how many shots, the different types, how long a usual trailer lasts etc...

I looked at different genres of charity trailers for extra research, not just homeless people ones

I felt like researching charity websites helped me further into the process of my own charity trailer, it gave me good knowledge on what mine should be like.

Shot types and 180 degree rule for charity trailer

When making the G321 Main task, I had to research into different charity trailers, in order to make and edit mine. This was good research for my final product because I was able to see how many shots were needed in my trailer, what the different shot types are as well as learning the 180 degree rule.

I researched into the 180 degree rule, after watching a YouTube clip, I researched into the definition of the rule so I could use it in my own trailer.

180 Degree rule - This is another site, which shows a presentation of the 180 degree rule and how it works. 

180 Degree rule - This is a YouTube clip which shows what the 180 degree rule is, in terms of media and how it works/should be used.

I will use this research to help me with my own trailer as I will need to follow the 180 degree rule.

When making my storyboard and shot list, I had to know what shop types I was going to use in my trailer, I researched into the different types and this is what I found;

These are the main shot types, which are used in a lot of the media, for example, films, trailers, TV shows etc... These shots are used so the actual media product looks like reality and the audience will believe it is like real life. In my own media product, I will be using medium shots, long shots, two shot, close up and extreme close ups. I also researched into YouTube videos, which show and describe the shots and why/how they are used. 

Basic camera shots- This is a YouTube link to a video explaining and showing the different camera angles, I used this for my own research when making my shot list and storyboard.  

Monday, 28 November 2016

Persuasive paragraph for my charity

When making my website and my charity, I needed to get into terms of exactly what my charity does, how it helps as well as persuade my audience into donating to it. I wrote a paragraph which would look good on my website as well as for research of my charity. The paragraph consists of persuasive techniques like using pronouns like "you" and "we"; I have done this to engage the audience into the sense of community, making them trust my charity as well as the direct address making them feel as if their help with benefit those in need. My paragraph also uses direct address to get the attention of my audience and make them understand how important their help is to us, as a charity.
The paragraph appears only small because it needs to fit on my website, it needs to be short and sweet to get the attention of my audience.

I have improved my persuasive paragraph, by making it longer to get the attention of my audience better as there is a lot of techniques that would persuade them into donating to my charity or involving themselves with the charity in some form. Here is my improved paragraph;

I have added more paragraphs as well as persuasive techniques to get the attention of my audience.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Evaluating all pages of my website (events page)

When creating my website, I had to take screenshots of each move I made and explain why and what I changed. I created a power point of an evaluation of my events page. Taking screenshots of my website is important because it shows me making my website and follows the examiners mark scheme.

I have explained each move, including evidence as well as explain how this move will get the audiences attention.

When I handed this piece of work in for marking, my teacher marked my work and gave me some improvements to help me get a better grade. I then updated these documents which analyse my events page better.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Evaluating each page of website (donate page)

When making my website, I had to evaluate each page and explain what I have done and why. I have evaluated my donate page, which consists of explaining amounts of money and how to donate.
This is my evaluation, this explains what I added onto my website and why. When making my 'donate' page I took screenshots of the process of making it to, showing the steps of my website. The evaluation also shows the examiner why I have done certain things on my website, as well as prove that I made the website myself.

When I gave my work in for marking, my teacher went over my work to make sure it is a good piece of work as well as give me improvements so I can update and make my work better. I edited my evaluation of my donate page by simply answering my teachers questions as well as correcting spelling or grammar mistakes. Here is my improved piece of work;
The proof of screenshots are on my first attempt of this evaluation.

Evaluating each page of my website (about us)

When making my website, I needed to evaluate the reasons why I changed the website template to fit my purpose. I evaluated my 'About us' page.
This here explains what I moved on my website template, including evidence, being screenshots. I felt like it was important to have an 'About us' page on my website because the audience will understand who is in charge of the charity, who are the managers of each part and how they help. This will make the audience understand how the charity is organised and will make them feel a lot more comfortable. 

When I gave my work in for marking, my teacher marked my work and gave me improvements on how to get a better grade, and so I further did these improvements. The idea of this is to further evaluate my about us page in more detail on how I changed it and why.

I had to take some of my original images in order to make my charity website look professional and look as if it is for a charity website. Once I took some of my own images, of teachers in my school, I uploaded them onto my website.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Adding links into my blog

When creating my blog, I had to add on links to take the audience to another page. This was easily done by copying the appropriate link and then pressing the link icon. You then paste the url into the space provided and press done and then you have a hyperlink that you can press on and another website would be opened.

Professional charity trailer..

Shot list for charity trailer

When making my storyboard, I had to write down all the shot types and movements that will occur in my charity trailer. I then researched further into what movement, angle or shot type or would be using. I did this because it helps me for when I am making my trailer, I know exactly where and how I should be filming, this is basically a plan for my actual trailer.

I have added some notes with the shots so the examiner knows exactly what is going on and why I have done these shots this particular way. 

When I was creating my shot list, I researched other charity trailers to see how many shots they had used, the least I noticed was 16 and so I used this on creating my own shots for my trailer. I looked at how different trailers used different camera angles and aperture, this helped me with deciding on how each shot of mine would be seen as. I looked at an article which showed me the best charity trailers and how they use shots to get the attention of their audience;

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Using logo genie

When I was creating my charity logo, I used the website LogoGenie, I have created a presentation on how this website benefitted me on making my own charity logo and how I was able to experiment the site.

 This is screenshots of me using LogoGenie, I screenshotted the process of the website so I was able to explain how the website benefitted me on making my own website. The screenshots also give the examiner proof that I used the website as research for my logo.
This is my explanation of why I used LogoGenie, how it benefitted me on making my own logo and how I was able to experiment the site. I have explained how I changed the colour scheme, the font of the title etc...

Using logo genie was helpful and easily accessible.

Evaluating each page of my website (First page)

My website evaluation consisted of screenshot and labels to why I changed things round on my website as well as what exactly it was what I changed.

This explains the reasons for why I changed things on my website as a whole.

This shows me changing the title's font and colour and why.

This explains changing the navigation bar to different colours, shape and sizes.

This shows changing the size and placing of my logo and why I did this.

This shows the process of my website, like adding on to something and explaining why.

This shows again, the process of my website with information being added on as well as different boxes and hyperlinks being changed to make the website look professional.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Comparing fonts on two charity websites

Comparing fonts on two charity websites; The British Heart Foundation and WWF

I did this comparing because it helped me pick my fonts as well as understand why websites pick certain colour schemes for their fonts on their websites and so I am now able to pick my font for my website and understand the meaning of why I picked.

Comparing different fonts

Comparing Fonts.

I analysed different fonts for my charity website, I did this to make sure my website looked as professional as possible.

                                                              This font is called Signika off the website Wix. This font is professional because it is plain however bold and noticeable. This simple font will make my website look successful and reliable, which is what I want my audience to think. I may not decide to choose this font as although I want my font o look professional, it still needs to stand out and grab the attention of my audience and with this font I don’t feel like it will because it is quite plain.

This font is Called Museo off the website Wix. This font is bold, and tall which will attract my audience when they first open my website. This chose of font looks professional and realistic for a charity website, which is exactly what I want. I like this font because it isn’t plain and boring, it has a style to it which will attract a larger audience as well as my target audience.

This font is called Anton, which I found off the website Wix. The font is very bold, and attracts the eyes of my audience. The bold font is a bit different from the other two fonts in which the actual words have been made bold as well as the font itself being bold. Although this font attracts my audience; I don’t believe it looks professional for a charity website which is definitely needed as the audience need to be able to trust the charity when searching and donating. I don’t think I will be using this font however the style is still good to look at.

My chosen font:

I decided to choose the font Museo for my website’s title and text throughout. I chose this font because it is bold and tall which is important for a website because the creator wants it to be seen. The main thing the audience will see when looking at my website is the name of my charity and so I need to make the font look professional and stand out. Some fonts I looked at seemed childish and immature and those weren’t good for my project because although you only donate to a charity, it is still a business for the someone to organise and help get known. I believed Museo was sophisticated and made my charity look successful because it was plain however still had a style which would attract an audience, especially my target audience and niche market. I feel like it was important to look at different fonts because it helped me to make my website look professional and trustworthy for my audience.

I also used the website dafont because I felt like it was necessary to research different fonts for my website because I was then able to decide out of the many, which ones look professional. By using this website I was able to look at fonts and see which ones looked the best for a charity website.

Friday, 11 November 2016

Using Media terminology

Throughout the whole two years of taking media studies, I will need to follow a certain media terminology, so I can get the highest grades possible. When creating my storyboard, Charity website, trailer and all my research, I needed to use this terminology in order to succeed. I have made a mind-map of some of the words I have used in my work. 

Storyboard for charity trailer

For coursework, I have to create a charity trailer which will fit with my website. Before creating the trailer, I had to design a storyboard. The idea of a storyboard, is a professional plan for my trailer, expressing the shot types, images and speech. My trailer has been designed to only be short, maybe 30-45 seconds long, I decided this because I believe keeping my trailer short and sweet will get the attention of my target audience.
I have used upsetting images and statistics to get the attention of my audience. By using upsetting imagery like young children being on the streets, this will make the public feel guilty because nobody deserves being homeless, especially children. The statistics have been used to shock my audience, the large number will make my niche market want to help all the people in need. 

I have decided to use all different kinds of shots to keep my audience interested, like long shots, medium shots, close ups and extreme close ups. These shots will get my audiences attention by engaging them with different images at different places on the screen. I have described on my storyboard any dialogue or audio which will take place in my trailer. I have decided to have a sad song continuously throughout my trailer to get the audiences attention as well upset them into donating to my charity. The music will take place throughout the trailer, except on the last shot because my charity logo will be presented and the attention is needed on that instead of the song. The song choice has not yet been chosen due to copyright, however either during or before creating my trailer, I will choose a appropriate song.

When submitting my work, I needed to re-sketch my plan of the storyboard this was because my plan didn't have enough shots for a trailer, I needed at least 15. I gave my main character in my storyboard a name and a story so my audience will feel connected to my character more and they will understand what happened to him. This emotional effect will make the audience will feel guilty for this character because it is an actual representation of a person as well as the character being a young child, the audience will feel sorry for the boy because he is young and innocence and doesn't deserve to be in this situation.