Friday, 16 December 2016

Test shots for charity trailer

Test shots

For my final product, (G321) I practised my type of shots with a friend so when I come to filming, I will be able to film each shot by having the knowledge on where and how to shoot each shot. I did these test shots to clarify the different types of shots I will be using in my charity trailer and to practice how to use the camera I ordered to borrow.
I practised taking these 6 shots on the camera as I will be using these on my charity trailer. I will be using these certain shots as they will be getting my audiences attention as my trailer is for homeless people. By having close ups and extreme close ups of a young homeless boy the audience will feel sorry for him as the direct address sets a side an emotional side.

This was a good exercise as it shows how the shots show different emotions to the audience. The long shot focuses on setting the scene e.g. a school yard. The extreme close up is used mostly to show the target audience the real emotion of the character, these shots would initially be used in my charity trailer by my actors. 

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